Slovenian Research Infrastructure and Open Science – New Challenges

  • Mojca Kotar, Rectorate of the University of Ljubljana / National Open Access Desk for Slovenia, University of Ljubljana
  • Janez Štebe, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences/Head of ADP – Social Science Data Archive
  • Dunja Legat, University of Maribor Library
  • Peter Sterle, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport - Science Directorate

At the national level, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport has started to work on the Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2021–2030 (RISS 2021-2030), which includes a chapter on open science and related action plan. In 2020, current open science strategy papers will be complemented with access and preservation of research data, which will also include FAIR data provisions and links to EOSC. Currently, many projects are running in Slovenia to support further development of open science. One of them is to establish a national long-term repository for research data in 2021. University libraries are creating a joint online portal with useful information for open science end-users, called Open Library. Slovenian OSC initiative is led by the University of Maribor Library, appointed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. Maribor Library has joined forces with Arnes (Academic and Research Network of Slovenia) to create a website and will soon invite relevant Slovenian open science stakeholders to join the OS community on voluntary basis. Our Library is also preparing the rules of participation and will cooperate with other stakeholders in promoting EOSC services. The main goal is to connect stakeholders such as Slovenian OpenAIRE NOAD, RDA Node Slovenia, Arnes, , SLING (Slovenian national supercomputing network), and other European open science initiatives present in Slovenia. We intend to establish a comprehensive national and EOSC-related online helpdesk and offer end-users Slovenian services in an EOSC-like marketplace.