Research Data Policies for Croatian Journals



The aim of this presentation is to encourage research data sharing and to refer Croatian OA journals included in the HRČAK platform to the latest relevant, and globally accepted research data policies.

Methods (Background)

Nowadays, many journals and publishers want to ensure that published articles are accompanied by underlying research data. Sharing research data supports published research in many ways: their use is maximised as they become findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) for other researchers and readers, and the reproducibility of the research is improved by greater transparency of the research process (1). Data sharing encourages collaboration between scientists and increases data circulation, transparently promotes research(ers), lends itself to meta-analyses of all kinds and invites further research that builds upon the work of others. Data policies determine what, when, how, and where research data should be made available. In February 2020, Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation Interest Group of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) issued a research data policy framework for all journals and publishers based on a review of research data policies adopted by relevant scholarly publishers such as Springer Nature, Elsevier, Wiley, and PLOS (2).

Results and Discussion

This framework encompasses six policy types, of which the first is the most flexible, as it requires only researcher/author support and the sixth has the most requirements (policy features). Here we shall give an overview of all of them, including data citation, data repositories, data availability statements, data standards and formats, and peer review of research data. Each policy type has its own features, some of which are required and some optional for authors, journals, and publishers. In August 2020, this research data policy framework passed the global RDA community review and is now an RDA supporting output.


The presented policy types can help journal editors to understand which features are important to them and whether they can apply any of these policies to their journal. With clearly disclosed research data policy journals provide transparent guidance to authors on what is expected, and information to readers on whether and how research data are accessible for either validation or reuse.
