Biochemia Medica & Research Data
Biochemia Medica is open access journal and all published articles are subject to CC-BY Creative Commons Attribution Licence which permits users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles in any medium or format. Manuscript submission, article processing and publishing is free of charge and all copyrights to the manuscript are transferred to Biochemia Medica.
For the Journal it is very important to validate the research throughout the statement about ethical approval and the inform consent (if applicable). All instructions related to those subjects are available at or web-pages. When reporting trials on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures were in accordance with the ethical standards set by the responsible human experimentation committee (institutional and national) and latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki given by World Medical Association. Ethical approval (institutional or national) should be obtained for every study that includes collection of additional patient sample of any biological material.
All subjects should sign an informed consent form and this information should be provided in the manuscript. Signed informed consent forms should be archived by the authors, but also it should be available for the Editors (on demand additional check-in would be necessary. The authors have to provide a statement that they have received and archived all patient informed consent forms, as required during the manuscript submission process. It should be noted that informed consent to participate in the research does not imply consent to publish personal individual data (names, pictures, hospital identification). Therefore, for publication that includes any individual data, patient must give his written consent.
Biochemia Medica also requires from authors to represent as much data necessary to replicate. Therefore, we ask them for many details in the sections Material and Methods. It is very important to provide enough demographic and clinical data about subjects involved onto a study, time and place of the study (the dates of the beginning and the end of the study), study design, inclusion and exclusion criteria and relevant demographic and history details (age, gender, diagnostic criteria etc.) We also required, detailed data about methodology, especially if methods are new or modified.
Until today, our editorial policy did not include requirements for the raw data and according to our opinion, but also the opinion of some other biomedical journals, scientific community should discuss and define the rules, concerning different scientific fields, foundations and laws.