Linda Sīle

Linda Sīle is doctoral student at the University of Antwerp within the Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM). My current work spans somewhat diverse yet intertwined themes around (sociology of) the use of data within bibliometrics for social sciences and humanities. Since Summer 2016, national bibliographic databases for research output within the social sciences and humanities, as well as the ways how to explore these artefacts, has been the main area of inquiry. Specifically, if one is reminded that such databases (as any other infrastructure) tend to carry their own histories with social and cultural preferences, then it becomes interesting to see how these histories play out when data from such national databases are integrated either in new information systems or a bibliometric study.
Linda holds a Master of Science degree in Education with a specialisation in Educational Research (University of Gothenburg). Additional academic education is acquired in the Science and Technology Studies and Philosophy of Science (independent courses and workshops; University of Gothenburg, Ghent University, Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture).