Ksenija Švenda Radeljak
Ksenija Švenda Radeljak is employed at the Library of Department of Social Work at the Faculty of Law University in Zagreb. The areas of her professional and scientific interest are: classification of social sciences area, information literacy, scientific publishing, the role of woman in library, professional education and the status of librarian as a profession. The theme of education and profession of librarian, as well as the role of woman in Croatian libraries was discussed in her dissertation „Education and the Status of Librarian in Croatia until the formation of library study“ in 2012 and in her book, published under the same title by the Faculty of Law University in Zagreb in 2017. From academic year 2001/2002 she is giving classes in form of educational workshop „Information skills“ for students of undergraduate and graduate, as well as postgraduate professional and scientific studies at the Department of Social Work. She is a member of Croatian Library society, where she participates in the work of Commission for legal and associating libraries, Commission for history of librarian and Commission for librarian services for persons with disability and persons with special needs. She participates actively in the National campagna for persons with difficulties in reading and writing, entitled: „I also want to read“. She is an author of several scientific and professional articles and participated as a presented at numerous domestic and international meetings.